The role of (UNHCR) in climate change mitigation and adaptation
The role of (UNHCR) in climate change mitigation and adaptation
as UNHCR has seen that climate change is a risk multiplier or a threat multiplier for other drivers of displacement.
Access to livelihoods puts pressures on education and health services, often exacerbated by pressures on governance and access to resources in general.
UNHCR also expressed concern that when populations are forced to move due to climate change and conflict, they are very rare to return.
In the past, return was a permanent solution once the conflict ended, but now with climate change and environmental degradation, many people do not find a place to return to.
This changes the way UNHCR should look at durable solutions and work with them in the future, as UNHCR has played an important role In supporting the development of international, regional, national and non-national laws and policies related to internally displaced persons with the aim of building and strengthening national capacities in order to provide support to the population so that they are not oppressed Rua to move outside national borders.
UNHCR has also developed a strategic framework for climate action, which covers three main pillars in terms of response.
The first pillar revolves around legal and normative action in relation to the protection of people forced to move due to climate change.
The aim is to support access to protection for displaced persons.
In the context of climate change and disasters by guiding, interpreting and applying relevant legal and policy frameworks, developing guidelines and stimulating international discussions, the second pillar relates to enhancing the resilience of refugees and displaced persons to climate and other environmental risks and enhancing preparedness and resilience In cases of disasters, this includes supporting environmental management and renewable energy in situations of displacement.
As for the third pillar, it talks about what the Commission is doing in the field of green environment by improving environmental sustainability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing negative effects on the environment and identifying aspects of the transition to energy In addition, the Commission is looking for ways to expand small projects and invest in environmental or health initiatives Energy that is included in the national environmental plans and sustainable energy plans.
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