
What is dust and what are its effects?

Dust and meteorite formation What is dust and what are its effects and theories around it? From small beginnings come great things Last month, the night sky was filled with bright fireballs and thin streaks of light, this celestial light show was one of the greatest astronomical events of the year (the Perseids meteor shower). In the best of years, the Perseids can produce up to 100 meteorites per hour, but the question is: Where do these meteorites come from? Surely the answer may surprise you. Meteors are giant space rocks rushing at a tremendous speed across the universe, but what gives rise to the glamor and magic of meteor showers is dust, yes it is dust. It turns out that most of the flashes and lines that we see during a meteor shower, are the result of small fragments, no larger than a grain of sand, passing through the upper atmosphere and as a result of friction and due to gravity will create fireworks and sparkling attractive lines. Dust origin But where did the dust come fr...

Greenland rain, a warning for climate change

 Record number on climate change Climate change Greenland, an area covered with ice two miles above sea level, is located in the center of Antarctica. The island witnessed during the recent period, rain fell on the highest point on the island for two days, instead of snow, this was only the fourth time that temperatures had risen there.  The 337,000 square miles of the territory's ice sheet has been subjected to surface melt, in total, the summit has submerged 7 billion tons of water. “Rain falling in one of Earth’s most reliably frozen regions is an unprecedented shock to the system,” says John Walsh, a professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and a scientist at the International Arctic Research Center. unknown". The Labrador and Greenland seas, which wrap around the island's east, south and west coasts, play pivotal roles in driving what Walsh calls the "global conveyor belt" of ocean currents.  These seas are the world's main centers of deep convect...

Is the United States will succeed in reducing climate change?

Us and climate change Climate change , is an inescapable reality In the spring of 1933, the new President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was facing a stifling environmental and economic crisis, as the Ohio and Mississippi River basins were completely submerged,and more than a,  .quarter of Americans were out of work.  Roosevelt's response to these clashing forces, plaguing the United States, was to create a Civilian Protection Corps, that would put young men (and men only), to work in soil conservation, building streets and roads, and fighting fires.  The establishment of this civil legion, we are killing two birds with one stone,” where he meant here the first bird, is to protect the environment, and combat the catastrophic effects of climate change (global warming), and the second is to employ Americans and eliminate unemployment.   The American landscape today, is very similar to that bequeathed, by Roosevelt, as lockdowns imposed to stem t...

Will the US Climate Change Reconciliation Project Pass?

One world  Us and climate change Reducing global warming ( climate change ) and reducing the atmospheric temperature by 1.5°C is within reach, but it requires real change and transformation and the active participation of all countries of the world. Gillian Neuberger, legislative engagement coordinator at the World Resources Institute, said, "The bipartisan reconciliation bill (referring to the US Republican and Democratic parties) is not fundamentally transformative, but will make some network improvements necessary for the transition to green energy." But the most important thing is that we're actually getting green energy on that grid, and we need a climate bill that stimulates renewables." Democrats hope to pass both clauses - and more - in a second $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill. Whereas, on Wednesday morning, Senate Democrats took the first step on that path, voting to approve a budget blueprint that would allow them to shield the larger bill from Republic...

Serious indicators on climate change

Climate change The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its sixth report , and the news is very bad. Climate change threatens the world and humanity, and humans themselves are causing it to a very large extent, and the slow response by the countries of the world to reduce and mitigate it means that global warming is inevitable. It is an irreversible reality. Sea level is likely to rise by two feet by the end of this century if the world's countries do not move quickly now and stop using fossil fuels. For the first time, the temperature in Sicily reached 119.85 degrees Fahrenheit, the highest temperature currently recorded in Europe. On Wednesday, August 11, 2021, half of the US population was subject to heat warnings. More than 600 people died in a heat wave (thermal dome) in late June in the Pacific Northwest than would normally die at that time of year. The acknowledged death toll in Oregon and Washington was 194, including at least three workers. Ho...

Will climate change cause the Amazon rainforest to turn into a savannah?

Forest fires and climate change Will climate change cause the Amazon rainforest to turn into a savannah?  The Amazon rainforest is well humid, but researchers around the world are increasingly asking how long this will be true.  About three decades ago, alarming research began to suggest that the cumulative effects of both deforestation and climate change could cause significant changes in the South American forest, with the forest expected to become drier and more savanna-like than Africa. Instead of lush, wet and dense landscapes. For nearly two centuries, the Amazon region has acted as a natural buffer protecting our world by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen needed for life, as these forests absorb up to two billion tons of greenhouse emissions annually, but during the past few decades unfortunately, The clearing of trees from the Amazon for the purpose of growing soybeans for livestock or animal pastures has exacerbated the drought in the region, with studies ...

Have the countries of the world failed to combat climate change?

 There has been sufficient and appropriate time by all countries of the world and international organizations to think about global warming (climate change) and the devastating consequences it causes for life on Earth as a possible event and reality experienced by all countries of the world today, when we talk about climate change we do not look at The future is a distant matter, but we live in it and live with it now. Previously, it was possible to find solutions to this frightening phenomenon, but those days have passed and climate change has become a reality.  Stalled efforts by governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, either because of some kind of subdued trading in baseless pledges or because of right-wing political movements that have forced countries to delay in addressing the phenomenon. Led by severe climate deniers such as Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro - now means the intensification of the climate crisis has been stuck for at leas...

The role of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in limiting and adapting to climate change-1

The International Federation, at its 30th Conference held in Geneva in November 2007, aimed at implementing the third objective of the humanitarian agenda, objective 4.1.3 strongly urged states to set priorities and provide resources for the implementation of comprehensive measures to reduce disaster risk, including: This includes measures that address issues of climate change and its differences, and National Societies will increase their cooperation with countries and experts in regions experiencing climate change with the aim of reducing potential negative impacts on vulnerable population groups. As requested in the Action Plan adopted by the Twenty-Seventh International Conference in 1999, the Climate Center of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, which is based in the Netherlands, makes many contributions to the global debate on climate change, where it participated in all conferences The Center continues to provide opportunities for National Societies...

What has the International Federation of Red Crescent and Red Cross Societies done to adapt to climate change?

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is the largest non-governmental humanitarian network in the world and it helps people in about (150 countries). The Federation, which was founded in 1919 and is headquartered in Geneva / Switzerland, includes 186 Red Cross and Red Crescent societies and about 100 million volunteers, and the basic principles of the union are humanity, through which it aims to avoid and alleviate human suffering wherever it is found, protect life and health, ensure respect for human beings and achieve lasting peace among all peoples, impartiality as the movement does not practice any discrimination on the basis of race nationality or religious beliefs, in addition to neutrality - independence - voluntary service - unity - and universality. The mission of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is to improve the situation of the most vulnerable and coordinate emergency international assistance to people aff...

The role of the (iprd) and (unep) in reducing and adapting to climate change

Climate change  The role of the  (iprd) and  (unep) in reducing and adapting to climate change The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).  The World Bank, plays a major role, in managing disaster risks, and climate change ,, and its ability lies in providing a mix of tools and resources, that include concessional financing, and experiences in implementing minimal risks, and reconstruction operations. In recent years, the Bank has developed specialized expertise, and made available A set of new tools, to support countries in improving disaster risk management through the following.  Improving understanding of disaster risk in client countries. Expand the scope of technical and financial support to national governments, cities and local communities to enhance their ability to confront disasters      and, hazards, and recover from their effects. Increasing coordination, and harmony between work programs concerned with disaster...