Us and climate change Climate change , is an inescapable reality In the spring of 1933, the new President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was facing a stifling environmental and economic crisis, as the Ohio and Mississippi River basins were completely submerged,and more than a, .quarter of Americans were out of work. Roosevelt's response to these clashing forces, plaguing the United States, was to create a Civilian Protection Corps, that would put young men (and men only), to work in soil conservation, building streets and roads, and fighting fires. The establishment of this civil legion, we are killing two birds with one stone,” where he meant here the first bird, is to protect the environment, and combat the catastrophic effects of climate change (global warming), and the second is to employ Americans and eliminate unemployment. The American landscape today, is very similar to that bequeathed, by Roosevelt, as lockdowns imposed to stem t...
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