Greenland rain, a warning for climate change
Record number on climate change Climate change Greenland, an area covered with ice two miles above sea level, is located in the center of Antarctica. The island witnessed during the recent period, rain fell on the highest point on the island for two days, instead of snow, this was only the fourth time that temperatures had risen there. The 337,000 square miles of the territory's ice sheet has been subjected to surface melt, in total, the summit has submerged 7 billion tons of water. “Rain falling in one of Earth’s most reliably frozen regions is an unprecedented shock to the system,” says John Walsh, a professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and a scientist at the International Arctic Research Center. unknown". The Labrador and Greenland seas, which wrap around the island's east, south and west coasts, play pivotal roles in driving what Walsh calls the "global conveyor belt" of ocean currents. These seas are the world's main centers of deep convect...